A Treasury of Curious George [Book]
‏12.99 US$ · Peaches Children's Shoppe
+‏0.78 US$ كضريبة +‏6.13 US$ كرسوم شحن
موعد الوصول: 16 ديسمبر
مقارنة الأسعار
تفاصيل المنتج
: مجلد
: Margret Rey
: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, book
: عدد الصفحات: 192
رقم ISBN
: 0544018591
This used book is in Acceptable condition. Jorge el Curioso ha encontrado un lugar duradero en el coraz n de millones de ni os y ni as a trav s del mundo desde que cobr vida con Margret y H. A. Rey hace m s de sesenta a os. Aqu encontrar s ocho cuentos que trascienden el tiempo sobre Jorge, el hombre del sombrero amarillo y sus amigos. Curious George has found a lasting place in the hearts of millions of boys and girls all over the world ever since he was brought to life by Margret and H. A. Rey more than sixty years ago. Here you will find eight timeless stories about George, the man with the yellow hat, and their friends." He was a good little monkey and always very curious." This is how H. A. Rey and his wife, Margret, first introduced their now beloved troublemaker-hero to young readers in 1941. In this hefty 192-page hardcover treasury, Curious George fans will find eight stories based on the popular primate, painted in Rey's original watercolor and charcoal style: Curious George Takes a Train (2002), Curious George Visits a Toy Store (2002), Curious George and the Dump Truck (1999), Curious George and the Birthday Surprise (2003), Curious George Goes Camping (1999), Curious George Goes to a Costume Party (2001), Curious George Visits the Library (2003), and Curious George in the Big City (2001). A wonderful collection for your own mischievous monkey.
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