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inauthor: Theodor Poelmann ãä
Publius Vergilius Maro Theodor Poelmann. Ï Arietat in portas , & duros obiice poftes . pfæ de muris summo certamine matres ( Monftrat amor verus patriæ ) ut videre Camillam , Tela manu trepidz jaciunt , ac robore duro , Stipitibus ferrum ...
inauthor: Theodor Poelmann ãä
Claudius Claudianus Theodor Poelmann. ducebatur , meminere illius complures fcri- . ptores . Pegmata etiam Festo ... Ï Lembi.continere me nequeo quin Fulgen- . tij Planciadis locum emendem : is , de prifco fermone , ait , Celocem ...
inauthor: Theodor Poelmann ãä
Lucain, Theodor Poelmann (philologue).) Hugo Grotius. populus , pro , ôpo- pule 2,116 obducere . oculos obdu ... Ï ¿ nudare latus imperii 8 , 425 nudatus miles te- lis 3,170 nudatum præfidiis 2,462,472 nudus . nudi rami , ' fine ...
inauthor: Theodor Poelmann ãä
... Theodor Poelmann. 7,1 H. Pompeii 9 , 207 gur- ges Pharius 7 , 692 Pharius tyrannus , rex Ægypti 6 , 308 : 7 , 704.8 ... Ï ¿ 313 philippi , vrbs Macedo- niæ , ad quam campi Philippici , clade Caf- fi & Bruti cèlebres : fed vt Lucanus ...
inauthor: Theodor Poelmann ãä
Horace Theodor Poelmann, Aldo Manuzio, Marc-Antoine Muret, Johann Hartung. Ilio diues Priamus relicto , Thessalosque ... Ï Diis , heroibus , virisque aliquot claris laudatis , postre - mò commendat Augustum . QVEM virum , aut beroa ...
inauthor: Theodor Poelmann ãä
Claudius Claudianus, Theodor Poelmann, Martin Antonio Del Rio. Et nihil exausto caperent in aftipite lucri , Sternere ... Ï vbi despectus nimius iuuat undique pulfo Per cunctas licuit fraudes impune vagari , 140 Et fatis aperire ...
inauthor: Theodor Poelmann ãä
... father . Pompey was his guardian , and after his defeat at Phar- falia he came to Egypt for an asylum , but Ptolemy ... ( Theodore ) properly Poelman , born at Cranenburgh , in the duchy of Cleves , about 1510. He fu- perintended the ...
inauthor: Theodor Poelmann ãä
... Théodore Swarts , répétiteur à l'université de Gand , sur quel ques dérivés de l'acide pyrotartrique , conformément ... Ï COMMUNICATIONS ET LECTURES . M. Quetelet présente quelques observations sur une lettre qu'il vient de ...