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POETS Day! William Cowper
Ordinary Times
Paul Dean and his band were doing pretty well, but not headliner well. They opened for Kiss when that mattered and later opened for ZZ Top,...
قبل 4 أشهر
William Cowper and the Unforgiveable Sin He Probably Didn’t Commit
National Catholic Register
Alas, poor William Cowper. An accomplished poet who lived in the wake of the great “Augustan Age” writers—so-called because Britain saw...
قبل 87 شهرًا
Insanity and Spiritual Songs in the Soul of a Saint
Desiring God
There are at least three reasons why I have chosen to tell the story of the 18th century poet William Cowper at this year's conference.
قبل 392 شهرًا
A Friend in the Fire: How John Newton Loved William Cowper Through Depression
Desiring God
For 27 years, William Cowper wrestled with darkness, depression, and suicidal temptations. And for 27 years, his friend John Newton stood by...
قبل 47 شهرًا
Why are William Cowper's poems so witty? Because he was convinced he was going to hell.
The Christian poet and hymnodist William Cowper (1731-1800) at times in his life believed that he was already and irrevocably damned: damned to hell.
قبل 159 شهرًا
Weekly market is one way Olney, Md., families grow together
Washington Post
Where We Live: Settled as a farming village, Montgomery County community still enjoys some rural charm.
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Nature Through English Eyes
The Atlantic
Llewelyn Powys's Earth Memories (Norton, $2.75) extend far beyond his personal recollections of his native Dorset and range freely through the historic and...
قبل 28 شهرًا
A Brief History of Slavery That You Didn't Learn in School (Published 2019)
The New York Times
A child's shackles, a West African legacy, a black sergeant in the Union Army — these are stories you need to hear.
قبل 61 شهرًا
Readers’ views: ‘Survey is an appalling piece of window dressing’
Newbury Today
Bin collection survey is way too many pages. You recently reported on the three-weekly bin collections by the WBC and their desire for tax...
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William Cowper
Linda Hall Library
William Cowper, an English surgeon and anatomist, died Mar. 8, 1709, at the age of about 45. In 1698, Cowper published The Anatomy of Humane Bodies.
قبل 7 أشهر