William Cave (30 December 1637 – 4 August 1713) was an English divine and patristic scholar. William Cave. Born, (1637-12-30)30 December 1637.
كان ويليام كيف باحثًا إلهيًا إنجليزيًا وآبائيًا. ويكيبيديا (إنجليزية)
تاريخ ومكان الميلاد: 30 ديسمبر 1637، Pickwell، المملكة المتحدة
تاريخ ومكان الوفاة: 4 أغسطس 1713، ونزر، المملكة المتحدة
الكتب: Lives of the Most Eminent Fathers of the Church That Flourished in the First Four Centuries: With an Historical Account of the State of Paganism Under the First Christian Emperors, Volume 3 وA Complete History of the Lives, Acts, and Martyrdoms of the Holy Apostles, and the Two Evangelists, St. Mark and Luke: To which is Added, an Introductory Discourse Concerning the Three Great Dispensations of the Church, Patriarchal, Mosaical, and Evangelical. Being a Continuation of Christian Antiquities ... Also, a Complete History of the Lives, Acts, Deaths, and Martyrdoms of Those who Were Contemporary With, Or Immediately Succeeded the Apostles. Likewise, of the Most Eminent of the Primitive Fathers, for the First Three Hundred Years. To which is Added a Chronology of the Three First Ages of the Christian Church وAntiquitates Apostolic ̆: Or, the Lives, Acts, and Martyrdoms of the Holy Apostles of Our Savior, to which are Added Lives of the Two Evangelists, St. Mark and St. Luke, as Also a Brief Enumeration and Account of the Apostles and Their Successors for the First Three Hundred Years in the Five Great Apostolical Churches, with the Lives of St. Clemens, St. Ignatius, and St. Polycarp والمزيد
التعليم: Oakham School وSt John's College
WILLIAM CAVE (1637–1713), English divine, was born at Pickwell in Leicestershire . He was educated at St John's College,Cambridge, and successively held ...
Looking for books by William Cave? See all books authored by William Cave, including Primitive Christianity Or The Religion Of The Ancient Christians In The ...
950.00 US$
William Cave was a 17th-century English chaplain of the Church of England who wrote one of the most important histories of church fathers.
أسئلة أخرى
Who first explored Nutty Putty cave?
What did William Cavendish do?
136 free public domain works of William Cave via Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL), a database of digital books ca. 1500-1800.
William Cave ; Life dates: early 18thC- (date assumed from style of trade card) ; Address: West Smithfield ; Biography: Trade card in Heal Collection (100.21bb) ...
[X-Info] Cave, William, 1637-1713: A sermon preached before the King at White-Hall, on Sunday, January 18th, 1684/5 by William Cave ... (London : Printed for ...
A complete history of the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of the holy apostles and the two evangelists,.
Each apostle is awarded a separate chapter, and is depicted both beatified and under duress. William Cave (1637–1713), was a minister and scholar of Church ...