... د , * In a note to the Spital Sermon , p . 117 , Dr. Parr says : " After the opportunities which Mr. Gray enjoyed , and of which he doubtless had availed himself , for observing the state of literature and the characters of literary men ...
Thomas Gray John Mitford. No children run to lisp their sire's return , Or climb his knees the envied kiss to ... د , And made many woundes in the waste oake . " Spenser . February . W. See also Dryden . Georg . iii . 639 . Labour ...
... د ed . The Poems of Thomas Gray , William Collins and Oliver Goldsmith . London : Longman , 1969 . - , ed . Thomas Gray and William Collins : Poetical Works . Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1977 . Loomba , Ania . “ Introduction ...
Thomas Gray. ted imagery of the moft pleafing kind , that I am acquaint- ed with . [ See Gray's Note . ] Verfe 73. In gallant trim the gilded vessel goes . Milton prefents us with a similar comparison , but wrought ыр with lefs grandeur ...
Thomas Gray. دو د ΕΡΙΤAPHIUM . Hic Forti ignotus Juvenis , Famæque , reclivem Cervicem Terræ detinet in gremio : دو Non humili Doctrina loco pulcherrima natum » Sprevit , Tristities compofuitque fuum . ,, Larga olli Bonitas fincero in ...
... Gray , Richard 751 Greaser , Clara M ... Gray , George N. T 1482 Gray , Robert S 1142 Greason , Thomas R Gray ... د 412 Green , Fred C. 736 Greeman , Lucius C ... 104 Green , Fred E .. 443 Green , Fred W ............. Π 1722 Green ...
... Thomas Doley 29 do Jeweller do do Erastus A. Dunkell 25 do Doctor U. States do Lawrence Christie William Halrage 37 do Merchant England do George Oakley 27 do do do do A. Marieta 32 do do Spain do Thomas Gray 30 do do Bermuda do د 24 ...
Thomas Gray, Thomas James Mathias. however , I am authorised by this report to ask , whether the two poems in ... د read it in print , though the press has in 554 LETTERS.