23þ/10þ/2024 · Pierre Leroux was a French pantheistic philosopher, economist, pacifist, government official, and champion of socialism through various reviews and ...
02þ/04þ/2024 · Il quittera ses fonctions pour assumer le rôle de directeur général à municipalité de La Nation. Leroux a été un membre dévoué du Conseil de la Municipalité de ...
21þ/12þ/2023 · Pierre Leroux has 14 years of experience in municipal politics. Councillor for the Township of Russell from 2010 to 2014, Mr. Leroux then became Mayor. Very ...
03þ/04þ/2024 · Russell Township Mayor, and UCPR Warden Pierre Leroux has announced his resignation. Leroux will become the new CAO of The Nation Municipality.
04þ/04þ/2024 · Pierre Leroux, who was elected as township councillor in 2010, then as its mayor in 2014, announced his resignation on social media Tuesday. He's also stepping ...
08þ/08þ/2024 · Pierre Leroux est un touche-à-tout : philosophe, mais aussi féministe, historien, homme politique et économiste critique. Il pourfend « la déplorable science ...
03þ/04þ/2024 · Mr. Pierre Leroux, Mayor of the Township of Russell and Warden of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell (the “UCPR”), has announced that he will be ...
06þ/06þ/2024 · Pierre Leroux's essay on individualism and socialism was part of (at least) three different larger projects. In the first volume of the Oeuvres de Pierre Leroux ...
26þ/04þ/2024 · Pierre Leroux, dernier grand socialiste utopique décédé en pleine Commune, aurait pu souscrire aux idéaux de la Commune et justifier, comme en 1848, la légitime ...