... and natural philosophy , with idle superstitions , and * Discours Prélim . p . 15. ( P. ) † Ibid . p . 14. ( P. ) ‡ See Sect . iii . infra . د with a scheme of theology most obscurely figurative , and 140 THE INSTITUTIONS OF MOSES AND Sect.
Joseph Priestley John Towill Rutt. expression of their homage , dependence and gratitude , he may think proper to ... د , رو A thousand passages in the Scriptures express the pleasure which God takes in good men , and the happiness ...
Joseph Priestley John Towill Rutt. Something of the spirit of controversy seems necessary to keep up men's attention ... د ر د ردد در 3 ز abuse from generation to generation , so that a reformation DR . BALGUY'S POSITIONS . 101.
... John Towill Rutt. : د than in the Petition and Advice . I cannot tell what power he has ( I know not his person ) , or how consistent it is with our liberties . If we are about to do a thing contrary to our understandings , it will not ...