John Locke. د A د Library of E. A. Barnes 10-6 / 5-40 10 v , CONTENTS OF THE NINTH VOLUME . SOME Thoughts concerning Education An Examination of P. Malebranche's Opinion of seeing all - - Page 1 Things in God 211 A Discourse of Miracles ...
Never Before Printed, Or Not Extant in His Works John Locke. د : him , to prolong his life . At length , his legs began to swell ; and that swelling encreasing every day , his strength diminished very visibly . He then faw how short a ...
... د , 66 The liberty Mr. Edwards takes , in other places , de- serves not it should be taken upon his word , " That " these formal words are to be found over and over again " in my book , unless he had quoted the pages . But I will set ...
IV. John Locke. SHORT OBSERVATIONS ON A PRINTED PAPER , ENTITLED , For encouraging the coining silver money in England , and after for keeping it here . THE author ... د. FILOSOFIA. -. ON. /. that it is not still of equal value to any and ...
John Locke John William Adamson. perceived very well and truly that it was not safe to trust the understanding to ... د , 1 Cf. Thoughts , secs . 101 , 139 , 176 , 216 , and sec . 32 below . These passages are at variance with Locke's ...
John Locke. Chap . III . I. 2 . PARAPHRASE . TEXT . are changed into the same even as by the Spirit of the Lord ... د commending our selves to every man's con- science in the fight of God . 18 ( r ) St. Paul justifies his Freedom ...
فاروق عبد المعطي ،الدكتور. أنه لا يوجد مجال للنزاع بين العقل والإلهام لأن كلا منهما يكمل الآخر ( 1 ) ( هـ ) وتأثير أفلاطوني كمبردج لا يظهر فقط في أفكـار لـوك الفلسفية بل كذلك في فلسفته الدينية مثل خطابات في التسامح ومعقولية المسيحية بل ...
John Locke. Luke xxii . 2 . his own lufts and vices . It is in vain for any man to ufurp the name of Christian , without holi- ness of life , purity of manners , and benignity and meekness of spirit . ، د ' Thou , when thou art con ...
دليلك المختصر في الحوار بين الإيمان والإلحاد د. هشام عزمي. أبو الليبرالية الغربية جون لوك John Locke ) بخصوص الملحدين في المجتمع : " وأخيرًا لا يمكن التسامح على الإطلاق مع الذين ينكرون وجود الله فالوعد والعهد والقسم من حيث هي روابط ...