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Our Revolutionary Mothers’ Voices
The American Revolution Institute
Explores how the Revolutionary generation's female community supported or resisted the War economically, politically, and militarily.
قبل 27 شهرًا
A genealogy of the descendants of John Thomson of Plymouth, Mass. Also sketches of families of Allen, Cooke and Hutchinson : Thompson, Charles Hutchinson, 1838- : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming
Internet Archive
The basis of this work is a 'Genealogy of John Thomson' by Ignatius Thomson, published in 1841.
قبل 193 شهرًا
Video Category: Collections Corner
The American Revolution Institute
Deputy Director and Curator Emily Parsons discusses an allegorical portrait from our museum collections. Completed in 1783 by Parisian artist Nicolas René...
قبل 30 شهرًا
Declaration Of Independence
igh-quality piece that shows the Declaration of Independence reproduced on professional hard block canvass. Measures 32.
قبل 13 شهرًا
Collections for the Classroom: Why the American Revolution Matters
The American Revolution Institute
Learn about the four major achievements of the American Revolution—our independence, our republic, our national identity and our highest ideals...
قبل 36 شهرًا
Independence Day Orations
Classic Works of Apologetics
Independence Day Orations. From the Declaration on July 4, 1776 to the present day, American Independence has been an annual celebration, recognized at...
قبل 33 شهرًا
Declaration Of Independence By Charles Toppan
Declaration of Independence. Printing plate. Signed steel vignette die.6.5 x 9.5 inches. Imprint of American Bank Note.
قبل 221 شهرًا
Video Library
The American Revolution Institute
The Institute's video library is a growing resource of recorded lectures, videos designed for the classroom, collections features and exhibition tours.
قبل 21 شهرًا
Collections Corner Videos
The American Revolution Institute
Each short video segment features a member of our staff discussing rare items in our collections, from prints and manuscripts to weapons and portraits.
قبل 30 شهرًا
Video Category: Classroom Videos
The American Revolution Institute
In this segment of Collections Corner, the Institute's research services librarian, Rachel Nellis, highlights a rare map from our Robert Charles Lawrence...
قبل 71 شهرًا