As the first comprehensive attempt to trace the origin of grammar to gesture, this volume will be an invaluable resource for students and professionals in psychology, linguistics, and philosophy.
The most recent records of the state's diverse species, rich illustrations (including detailed maps, skull drawings, and photographs), and an extensive bibliography make this book a must-have reference. --Book Jacket.
The first volume in this series is The Gathering, in which Governor Lachoneus of Zarahemla faces the challenge to surrender or be destroyed by Giddianhi and his Gadianton terrorists.
Chronicles 200 years of U.S. publications, from Tom Paine's Common Sense to I.F. Stone's Weekly, plus The Berkeley Bard, LA Free Press , Mother Jones, and New Age Journal.
As US healthcare delivery is in flux, an international surgeon dissects and scrutinizes the performance of socialized medicine in Britain vs the free market healthcare system in the US. The results are sobering.
Building on the success of the previous edition (Versailles to Maastricht: International Organisation in the Twentieth Century), this book is a valuable introduction to the complex history of modern international organisation.